4 Quick & Simple Webform Improvements for Explosive Results.
My goal is to make you money, it’s what I do. I’m dedicated to providing you some impartial advice that I’ve gained through a decade of making mistakes!
Join me on this journey and I’ll demonstrate some proof that shows how simple changes to your form design could drive your conversions through the roof!
Unbelievable facts that you just wouldn’t have believed.
Why spend money on more traffic, when you can make money from your current traffic?
Form design is very often overlooked when it comes to getting more sales from current traffic.
Take a few minutes to really understand what I’m about to show you because it will increase leads and sales from your existing traffic!
A webform without conversion rate optimisation is like a plane without wings, your business won’t take flight Robert Jones, Digital Marketing Consultant
1) Simplify Your Forms For More Conversions

In this day and age, people can be very peculiar about what information they give online.
Save all the personal questions until your prospect wants to actually buy something from you.
You wouldn’t ask someone how much alimony they pay on a first date with a divorcee, would you..?
Some information is sensitive and when you ask your visitor upfront for this information without building a relationship, you’re simply going to turn them off and they won’t complete your form. It’s too pushy.
A form, for first contact, should be kept simple. Make it as easy as possible for the visitor to engage with you.
If you want to generate more sales, just get the essentials, like and email, to engage initial communication.
After some back and forth communication, then look for more information, if and only if you think they’ve shown interest in purchasing.
Expedia deleted the company name input box on the right image and seen an explosive £12million in sales!
Why? because “company name” was irrelevant at that point in time. Now, if the form said “you could be entitled to a discount, enter company name to find out”, perhaps this would have got more completions. Why?
It’s got a benefit statement and the benefit is relevant, therefore the purchaser is willing to provide “company name”.

If you make form fields a requirement, then you create more friction. Friction stops visitors from filling out your form.
Reduce your form friction by saving additional form fields for later in the relationship.
The more fields you have and the more sensitive the visitors information the higher the friction point.
TOP TIPS: Use bold labeling. Label names should be left aligned. Try use vertical forms instead of horizontal forms, and your submit buttons work best when left aligned or centered.
2) Make Telephone Field Optional for More Leads and Sales
Who in their right mind wants to spend time researching a product or service, sign up for additional information and then get a phone call from someone trying to pressure you into a sale for a half an hour?
Some information is vital to the first contact stage of a sale. Telephone numbers can be gotten later in the sales funnel. So if you do have a telephone field, make it an optional field and not a required field. This will help you increase you conversion ratio for leads and sales.
You can see below how making the telephone number optional doubled conversion ratios.

3) Which Fields Can Hurt Your Conversions?
Look at the below chart, it shows which fields are most sensitive and fields that could be stopping people from filling out your form. If you have them on your website, make some changes or even better do a A/B Test and prove which one is more successful. You can see that information fields such as
telephone and address are high friction questions. They have a high cost of transference and people are not willing to give this information unless they’re getting something of high value in return. In fact, normally, to get this information from a customer, the customer would have to be in the process of paying for something!

Lesson Learned: Make high cost fields optional! Contact is the visitors option, not your requirement! Make it easy for people to start a conversation with you. Get intimate details after contact. Conversions can literally double by eliminating or making optional the telephone field!
4) Creating Agreement Leads to Conversions!
You remember not filling in a webform because there were too many fields or they were asking too much from you, right? This is a huge reason for poor conversions and sales.
A mortgage company wanted to increase completed applications for remortgages.
At the beginning of an application process, this mortgage company asked the applicant to fill in their first and last name and then click the “commitment checkbox”, seen below.
The box includes a value statement. It explicitly states the value they would receive from completing the application, which reminds the visitor of the reasons why they are completing the form.
Why did it work? Hypnotic Copy! Hypnotic copy is powerful!
Have you heard that when you want to build agreement with someone you get them to say yes or agree three times?
This is a very powerful technique. But, you don’t always need to get three yes’s to build agreement.
Even one commitment box was enough to increase completed applications 20%!!
Lesson Learned – Keep the visitor engaged and ask leading questions that remind them of the value they will receive if they complete your desired action. Just be sure to align their needs with your solutions.
Our webform conversion rate optimisation services could help you instantly generate more online sales so you can get back to delivering your services and enjoying what you really love to do.
Bonus Content: Form Design Principles For Better Conversions
1) Highlight the Form to Make It Stand Out of the Page
Are you guilty of having only one contact form that’s located at top right of your website pages? A simple link that says “contact us”? Well, no harm, as that’s how must of us start out.
But it doesn’t have to stay that way? You can start generating more leads and sales today instantly with a few simple changes.
If you’ve read CTA That Increase Sales you’ll have learned that the your CTA should be contextual for best results. Timing is the key to getting contact details.
In other words, for best results, a contact form should be in the content body that visitors are reading because when it’s positioned correctly, it captures the visitors attention at the moment they most desire to have your services or products.
Notice how the form is highlighted to give it presence. It’s not hiding away under a contact us page on the top corner of a page. This additional highlighting directs the viewer to your call to action. Place at a point where the viewer is most likely to want your services for optimal results.
2) Create Colour Contrast with Your Webform
You’ve read the calls to action article and you have discovered that color increases the probability of buttons being clicked while improving conversions and sales.
The same applies principle applies to your contact form. Just be sure that your colour is in contrast with website branding, that way it sticks out and grabs the attention of the reader before they get distracted further.
It’s important to note that it won’t make a blind bit of difference what changes you make to your forms unless you can measure the effect of your changes.
3) Use Directional Cues to Capture Their Attention
We see arrows constantly. Weather we are driving on a road or at the movie theater, or rock concert, they’re everywhere. On a daily basis arrows tell us where to go.
Arrows on the page are no different. They’ll provide cue’s to the visitor that filling out the form is the next thing to do.
Some suggest that you use an arrow pointing from the header to the form. I disagree, I believe the arrow should be POINTING FROM SOCIAL PROOF.
Humans see safety in numbers. Our herd mentality will follow others if we know they were successful in their direction.
By displaying social proof, your prospects know that others are filling out a form and benefiting in some way. This will help your CTA command bypass the reptilian brain that normally protects us in situations of the unknown.
4) Include a Value Proposition CTA

The school of thought about form conversions is that your design and call to action (CTA) play key roles in converting visitors to customers.
In fact, “pretty” websites with poor functionality and navigation can be seen as more credible than “not so pretty” websites that offer sound advice and fluid navigation.
Even if a website gives all the information you need, some visitors will still think a better design equates to a better company.
It doesn’t make sense to me, but
Anyhow, if you can’t always fit your value statement in the button because of design issues, then place it as close to the button as possible for best results.
TOP TIP: Style your forms. Give them some panache and you may find that people just want to fill them out.
As you can see, where you place your form, it’s colors, what your call to action says, and how many fields it has all affect how many people will complete the form.
When you work with us, we will perform an analyses on your website to measure which design works best, and where to best place your form so that you are getting more leads and sales.
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